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Monday, November 26, 2007

The Extinction of Hockey?

While I was watching ESPN yesterday, anchor Stuart Scott said something that really disturbed me. In the middle of talking about the NBA, he said the “…3 major sports.” Instantly I was confused, since when is the NHL not a major sport? While it is true that hockey seems to be on the decline in America, who decided it wasn’t a major sport? So far, I have narrowed it down to three reasons.

1. When ESPN claims that the current ratings for hockey on TV need to go up for them to air games again, they forgot to look at one fact…who the hell knows the channel Versus?! The only time I ever change to that channel is when I know a game is on. ESPN, on the other hand, I check every time I turn the TV on to see what they are broadcasting. If they would just re-broadcast games again I know for a fact that the ratings would pick up.

2. Two words, Gary Bettman. No one is a worse commissioner than he is. This man should be fired immediately. When the lockout ended, he stated that the NHL would make an effort to bring back the dedicated fan. What a dumbass. The dedicated fan would come back because the dedicated fan is just that, dedicated. What Bettman should have done was made an effort to bring back the casual fan, the one who would turn on the TV, see a hockey game, and leave that channel on. If the team owners could finally get over their infatuation with Bettman because he started the salary cap and fire him, I believe the NHL could make a comeback.

3. The players are at fault. Baseball has the race and steroid issues. Gary Sheffield says MLB hates the black man and now the all time leading home run hitter was indicted on perjury and most likely used steroids. Talk about controversy! The NFL also has its steroid problems but since the season is only 16 games long, every game counts. Not to mention the constant media coverage of the players who break the law. Lance Briggs shouldn’t be allowed to own fast cars, or be allowed to request a multi-million dollar contract when all he has done was have one good season. The Viking party on the boat, TO’s giant mouth, and recently the Michael Vick dog fighting scandal also come to mind. And let’s face it, those two sports are very easy to follow when drunk beyond belief. The NBA has lights and glamour and players who give the media that “I don’t care what you write about me so I’m going to do ridiculous stuff.” Oh, they also have Iverson and PRACTICE! The NHL is not so easy to follow when drunk, has no steroid scandals, and the players aren’t constantly breaking the law, although the badass Staal brothers would have something to say about that.

So let’s face it hockey fans, because the commissioner is retarded, and the players follow the law, don’t cross-dress…thank you Dennis Rodman…it seems as if North America now has only 3 major sports…

…Although I hear NASCAR might be considered a major sport soon, I better start practicing my beer chugging and left turns.

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